
I am a researcher focusing on human sensorimotor learning and human-computer interaction in virtual environments at The Sensorimotor Control Lab (SMCL) at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Denise Henriques. Our lab is part of The Centre for Vision Research, and VISTA, large working groups of multidisciplinary vision-related researchers at York University. I am also involved in the leadership teams for both groups.

I currently lead the XR research program at SMCL. Here we study human motor behaviour when using virtual tools in virtual environments. We also design rigorous and itterable experimental frameworks that are intuitive to use for both experimenters and participants.

I am personally interested in the interplay between explicit (conscious) and implicit (non-conscious) neural processes when learning in these virtual environments. I am also interested in brain-inspired machine learning models and am a visiting researcher at the Group for Theoretical Neuroscience - The Philipp University of Marburg exploring this topic.


Visuomotor Experiment Framework

A framework and set of tools for designing, creating and conducting visuomotor learning experiments in immersive virtual reality environments. Once created, experiments can be run on various platforms (including head mounted displays and standard computers screens). Used by the Sensorimotor Control Lab.

Methodologies used: Unity (C#), storyboarding, human-focused design, hardware and software prototyping, usability testing, experiment piloting.

Visuomotor Experiment Framework

Click on above image to navigate to project page

Example Tasks in Visuomotor Experiment Framework

Examples of available tasks within the framework (this is not exhaustive).

Transporting objects in VR

Gaze-based localization of unseen limbs

Simple target acquisition task

Target hitting task

Visualization of reach trajectories

An intuitive tool for visualizing movements from various lab setups and experiments. Includes useful transformations of the data and the ability to label key time points. Used by sensorimotor control lab.

Methodologies used: R (shiny), usability testing, machine learning.

Selector Tool

Click on above image to navigate to project page

Helper tools for Visuomotor Experiment Framework

Tools to assist experimenters to easily create experiments. The tool below allows for fast creation or itteration of experiments through a graphical user interface.

Methodologies used: Unity (C#), storyboarding, human-focused design, usability testing

Experiment Create Tool

Click on above image to navigate to project page

Open data

Data and code used for data exploration, analysis and figure-creation for all first-authored research articles hosted on Open Science Framework.

Open data

Click on above image to navigate to project page



PhD Candidate - Kinesiology and Health Science - Sensorimotor Neuroscience

September 2018 - Present

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

MSc - Kinesiology and Health Science - Sensorimotor Neuroscience

September 2016 - August 2018

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Research and Domain Knowledge Sensation, Perception, Human Motor Learning, Machine Learning, Immersive Virtual Reality
Software Python, R, Unity (C#), Inkscape, Poser Pro
Teaching Sensation and Motor Learning, Human Physiology, Electrophysiological and Biological Data Collection

Fellowships & Awards

National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral

September 2020 - August 2022

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA) - Doctoral Award

September 2018 - August 2022

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Brain in Action International Research Training Group - Doctoral Scholarship

September 2018 - August 2021

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Community Involvement

Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA) - Leadership Committee

Voting Member - Trainee Representative

May 2020 - Present

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Centre for Vision Research (CVR) - Steering Committee

Voting Member - Trainee Representative

September 2020 - December 2021

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Neuromatch Academy

Volunteer Organizer - Support

July 2021

Centre for Vision Research (CVR) - Communications Committee


May 2020 - April 2021

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact me.